About Manchester

Assessment at Manchester University


Our aim is a comprehensive assessment strategy that incorporates both departmental and institutional data to obtain a thorough understanding of student learning, and to use what we learn to enhance programs, allocate necessary resources, and improve student learning. The greater focus is on benefits to students; the stronger the academic program, the greater the student learning outcomes.

Assessment Process

The assessment process at Manchester focuses on:

  • Outcomes: All academic programs, including majors, minors and certificates, define specific learning outcomes for students in the program and design curriculum and assessment tools to measure students' success in achieving those outcomes.
  • Evidence: Assessment includes the collection of direct and indirect evidence of student learning.  Programs analyze findings from assessment in order to affirm practices and identify opportunities for program enhancements.
  • Action: Programs continually evolve and make improvements based on analysis of assessment findings and recommendations to enhance student learning and success.

Assessment Resources from Professional Associations

AAC&U Assessment Resources - The American Association of Colleges & Universities provides publications and helpful examples from institutions around the country. 

AAC&U VALUE Rubrics - Teams of faculty around the country collaborated to develop 16 rubrics for common learning outcomes in higher education, including oral communication, problem solving and critical thinking.

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment - NILOA offers research, occasional papers, and examples of assessment practices around the country. 

NASPA Student Affairs Assessment, Evaluation and Research Knowledge Community - Reports, guides and institutional examples for assessment in student affairs are available through this website.

ACPA Commission for Evaluation and Assessment - The ACPA provides publications, blogs, and training events related to assessment in student affairs.